Blog Posts

I created Destiny Launcher to make it easier to access Destiny related websites. It is an open-source project using Next.js and Tailwind CSS and the site is hosted on Vercel.

I saw a crop of this concept art and it looked so cool, that I decided to recreate it. I used Gaea to create the landscape and then textured it in World Creator using Megascans assets. You can download a 4K heightmap via the button below.
For some unknown reason I always wanted to create this kind of concrete walkway with the bumps in it, so finally I did. Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3.
I decided to make the skin on my phone in Substance Designer and i think it turned out alright. If you like the skin you can get it from dbrand. The render was created in Marmoset Toolbag 3.
I followed Daniel Thiger's excellent tutorial on how to create a Desert Bedrock material in Substance Designer. I learned a lot from the video and it helped me create other materials as well. The render was created in Marmoset Toolbag 3.

This is a UE4 material function that can be used to add tessellation to any material. The height of the tessellation can be controlled with a scalar. The function has parameters inside that can be controlled in a material instance. The maxTessFactor is 15 by default IN ENGINE because it gets slower if you go higher on AMD cards. You can change the maxTessFactor by editing the FlatTessellation.ush and PNTriangles.ush files and then recompiling EVERY engine shader. The height is multplied by the tessellation factor, so the less you tessellate, the heightmap gets applied less. This also works with landscapes if you use Worldposition-XY coords instead of LandscapeLayerCoords. Copyable Blueprint